Naslov pjesme:Željo moja
Pjesma Eurosonga 1986.
Država: Jugoslavija
Izvođač: Doris Dragović
Jezik: hrvatski
Skladatelj: Zrinko Tutić
Tekstopisac: Zrinko Tutić
Mjesto u finalu: 11th
Bodovi u finalu: 49
Željo moja |
My desire |
Voljela sam te i još te volim | I loved you and still do |
Dajem iskreno sve | I give it all truly |
Noć je ova crna bez tebe | This night is dark without you |
Ako ima sreće, vratit ćeš se | If there’s luck, you’ll come back |
Moja kazna, moj grijeh | My punishment, my sin |
Tiho, tiho, suzo, ne daj se | Quiet, quiet, my tear, don’t give up |
Željo moja, tugo moja | My desire, my sorrow |
Još sam tvoja, još si moj (Još si moj) | I’m still yours, you’re still mine |
Sve, sve me boli od tebe | Everything is aching because of you |
Željo moja, tugo moja | My desire, my sorrow |
Ako ima sreće, vratit ćeš se | If there’s luck, you’ll come back |
Moja kazna, moj grijeh | My punishment, my sin |
Tiho, tiho, suzo, ne daj se | Quiet, quiet, my tear, don’t give up |
Željo moja, tugo moja | My desire, my sorrow |
Još sam tvoja, još si moj (Još si moj) | I’m still yours, you’re still mine |
Sve, sve me boli od tebe | Everything is aching because of you |
Željo moja, tugo moja | My desire, my sorrow |
Sve, sve me boli od tebe | Everything is aching because of you |
Željo moja, tugo moja | My desire, my sorrow |