Naslov pjesmeVse rože sveta
Pjesma Eurosonga 1967.
Država: Jugoslavija
Izvođač: Lado Leskovar
Jezik: slovenski
Skladatelj: Urban Koder
Tekstopisac: Milan Lindič
Mjesto u finalu: 8.
Bodovi u finalu: 7
1967, ESC Yugoslavia Lado Leskovar Vse roze sveta
Vse rože sveta |
All the flowers of this world |
Strel samo za pozdrav | A shot just to salute |
In za zlovo je planil v noč | And to say goodbye and off he went into night |
Sredi trav pokopan tu leži | Buried in the middle of the grass, he lies here |
Kjer je pal brez besede na ustih | Where he fell down without a word on his lips |
Jaz pa čakam pomladi | I’m waiting for spring |
Slutim nežne dlani moje drage | I can sense the tender palms of my dear |
Čutim božanje las in besedi dve | I feel the caress of my hair and some words |
Brez besed, sredi trav | Without words among the grass |
Ko pomlad je tu | When the spring is here |
Zakaj me ta beseda trobente spominja na tiste | Why does the sound of the trumpet reminds me of those |
Ki nimajo na ustih pravih besed? | Who don’t have the right words in their mouths? |
Le zakaj vse te rože | Why do all these flowers |
Sredi polja leže in trohnijo? | Lie and fester in the middle of the field? |
Da bi vsi ti ljudje | So that all these people would |
Zaslutili čas | Anticipate the time |
In pomlad, ki za vse | And the spring that for all comes |
Je enkrat samo | Only once |
Translation by Mateja Kobav.